We are an insurance company but a travel one! Travelling is our raison d'être. For over 100 years.
Our Story
Our history dates back to 1907, when the merchant Max von Engel during his train journey noticed how sparks from the steam locomotive chimney set to fire luggages ready for transport on the platform in Lucerne. This gave him the idea to deal with similar cases by means of insurance. The same year, the first specialised insurance company was founded in Budapest.
In 1920, the European Joint Stock Company for the Insurance of Cargo and Luggage is founded in Prague. In 1947, the insurance company is nationalised. In 1992, the Danish insurance company Europaeiske Rejseforsikring establishes the European Travel Insurance Company and thus renews our interrupted tradition. In 2002, we launch our own assistance service EUROALARM, which then became Euro-Center, providing assistance services not only to Czech, but also to Slovak, Polish and other European clients.
In 1994, we became a member of the International Travel Insurance Association of Europe (ITIA), an association of specialized insurance companies throughout Europe.
In 2010 we became part of the international ERGO Group.
- The only real specialists in travel insurance. We have the biggest market share in travel insurance in Czechia. We provide custom made and tailored insurance services to individuals, companies and travel companies.
- Fast and professional assistance. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We own a dense network of contracted medical facilities all over the world which we regularly inspect and check for our quality standards.
- Transparent communication towards clients. We offer travel insurance with clear policy terms and conditions. You know in advance what you're getting.
- A reliable partner with a strong international background. We belong to the oldest and largest network of travel insurance companies. We have the strong financial background of the Munich Re Group.
Economic Results
In 2023, we reached a turnover of CZK 1.343 billion with over a 1.54 million insured clients. That was the company's biggest business success ever. Compare to previous year we achieved 15% increase and even 34% increase compared to 2019, which was a record year in terms of travelling. This is as we estimate one-third share of the local travel insurance market.
For more details on financial results and other important data about our company, please visit the mandatory information page (CS) in the annual report section.
Social Responsibility
Besides taking a care of you on travels we also like to participate in projects that have a positive impact on society. This is why we support local projects to help people in need like Linka bezpečí and Zdravotní klaun.
Our team also take a part on other beneficial activities. For instance, in 2023 our employees participated in cleaning and maintenance of the grounds of ZOO Tábor.
Our Awards
Times the Insurance Company award for the best travel insurance on the market that is organized by experts from the tourism industry.
Times the prestigious Insurance Company of the Year award from the Association of Czech Insurance Brokers.
Average score given by our clients who rated us on Google reviews!
Velké poděkování za služby, které ERV poskytla v rámci řešení pojistné události ( úrazu ) v Ománu. Od tlumočení, zajištění nemocniční péče až po úhradu zákroku. Poděkování všem pracovníkům, kteří nám v tomto byli nápomocni. Vřele doporučuji a děkuji.
Moc děkuji za vaše služby. Úplná spokojenost s vyřizováním pojistné události. Děkuji Opravdu se vyplatí připojištění na dovolené. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Dobrý den, jsem mile překvapena že služba jako je vaše pojišťovna ERV vyšla vstříc a ztrátu kladně vyřídila. Děkuji moc zdraví Drápalová
Děkujeme ,že jste nám pomohli v zahraničí se zdravotní péči vše vyřešit rychle a bez problémů .A pak následní i tady v Čechách.Byli jste trpěliví při vysvětlování co a jak mám postupovat při vyplňování dalších faktur k proplacení .
V Egyptě jsem si způsobil úraz a díky ERV pojišťovně vše proběhlo hladce. Po kontaktování pojišťovny pro mě do hodiny přijel taxík a odvezl mě do nejbližší nemocnice. Tam mi zajistili všechna vyšetření, o kterých bych si tady mohl nechat jen zdát. Po několika dnech mě taxík odvezl zpět na hotel. Zástupce pojišťovny byl kdykoliv k dispozici a zařídil vše potřebné, včetně asistence při převozu na letiště a nástupu do letadla. Na tuto pojišťovnu je spoleh, nabízí skutečně velkou podporu, když se dostanete do nesnází.
Based on 1263 reviews
Trusted B2B Partners
Did you know that we are a long-term partner of many local authorities and well-known companies? We provide insurance to employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as to clients of many travel agencies and groups (Blue Style, Čedok, DER Touristik). We have the largest market share in travel insurance in the Czech Republic.