Insurance of mobile phone displays

Protect display of your new iPhone from mechanical damage

valid in the Czech Republic and abroad


withount worries about your display

on mechanical damage

tempered glass protection is without deductible

iPhone display insurance against damage

Enjoy your new iPhone without worries.

What does display insurance cover?

  • display replacement at an authorized iStyle service
  • mechanical damage of display
  • damage caused anywhere in the world
  • private or corporate iPhones

Did you know...?

The most important aspect of travel insurance are not the coverage limits but quality of assistance in emergency. Being the specialists, we know what is really important for you.


Displey insurance can be concluded exclusively at the partner shops.

You can insure an iPhone mobile phones for 1 to 2 years. An overview of models and a price list can be found in the partner shops.


You can report a damage to your device to us easily online, it only takes 3 minutes. In most cases, we will process the damage as soon as possible, or within 7 working days latest.


Insurance Details

The broken display on the iPhone is a very unpleasant event and a considerable burden for your wallet. Our display insurance provides insurance protection that is always enough to replace a broken display. There is nothing better than ordering an insurance and being at peace, wherever you are in the world.

IPhone display insurance against damage will allow you to enjoy your new iPhone without worrying about the display for up to 2 years. You can arrange insurance with our partner seller of mobile phones.

What does display insurance cover?

  • display replacement at an authorized iStyle service
  • mechanical damage of display
  • damage caused anywhere in the world
  • private or corporate iPhones


  • Without deductible, if you have any tempered glass.
  • Insurance benefit is deducted by 20% if the display has no protection or only foil

Calim report

You can report damage to your device to us easily online, it only takes 3 minutes. In most cases, we try to process the damage as soon as possible, always within 7 working days at most.